Buzzfeed made this compilation of the best 60 signs seen outside the Supreme Court hearings on Prop 8 today.
This is the blog for History 128, Claremont McKenna College, spring 2013. It is open only to students enrolled in the class. Please use this blog to post articles and links related to the themes of the course. You can also post comments or questions on our readings, reflections on outside events that you attend, and notices of upcoming events of interest to the class. To generate discussion, please also read and comment on other postings. Check back regularly for updates!
I love the my gay agenda one. It's like we were talking about with some of our readings of real life accounts, which show the other less-radical side to the movement. I read it expecting to see something loud, funny, or otherwise like the other ones pictured. however, this one was so mundane and just chronicled the average day of most americans. Ending with "go to bed with wife" it is so simple yet so powerful. Thanks for posting this!